User Agreement & Terms of Service for «»
The administration of «» offers you the services of the website on the terms of use set forth in this document.
1. Terms and definitions
Below we will define some of the terms that will be used in the documents and on the website. We ask that they be understood as follows:
1. «Internet resource» is a set of integrated hardware and software and information intended for publication on the Internet and displayed in certain text, graphic or sound forms. The Internet resource is accessible to Internet users through a domain name and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - a unique electronic address that allows access to information and software and hardware.
2. «Internet page» - a page (HTML document) of an Internet resource.
3. «Information materials» - any text, graphics, audio, video and mixed materials of an informational nature.
6. «User interface of the website «» - an interface for accessing statistics and managing the placement of information materials. Login is carried out using a WM-identifier (WMID) and a password at:
7. «User» - any person who has registered on the site and agreed to the terms of use of the site.
8. «Client» («Employer») - an individual or legal entity that places information materials owned by him on the right of ownership or other right determined by applicable law on the Internet through the service «».
9. «Employee» - an individual who has reached the age of 18, is capable, is an Internet user, and is responsible for posting information materials of the Client in their own blogs, website pages and other Internet resources.
10. «Ban» - temporary restriction of the user's work for a certain or indefinite period by decision of the Site Administration.
11. «BL» - a certain Business Level, a public summary characteristic of the level of business activity of the owner of the WM identifier.
12. «WMID» - the registration number of the user, which is issued upon registration in the WebMoney Transfer settlement system.
13. «Passport» - a digital certificate of a participant in the WebMoney Transfer settlement system, compiled on the basis of the personal data provided by him.
14. «Site Administration» - a group of persons maintaining the Website in an active state, having all the powers and all possible rights of the Website, controlling the actions of the Moderators and resolving disputes between the Worker and the Client, if any.
15. «Account» - an account, a personal page of a Worker or a Client with his personal data and data on advertising campaigns.
2.General provisions
1. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the current legislation.
2. Acceptance of this document is carried out by sequentially performing the following actions:
2.1. Acquaintance with the terms of this agreement and the Rules for using the website «», located at;
2.2. Authorization on the site via Login.WebMoney.
3. The user is fully responsible for the safety of his login and password on the website «» and for losses that may arise due to unauthorized use of his login, password and / or access channel. The site administration is not responsible and does not compensate for losses incurred due to unauthorized access of other persons to information about the User's account.
4. The user is not entitled to transfer to other persons the login and password that allow access to the user interface of the website «» and other services provided by the Website Administration. All actions requiring the use of a login and password are considered to be performed by the User.
5. The site administration has the right at any time to unilaterally change the terms of this agreement. Such changes come into force after 3 (three) days from the date of posting the new version of the agreement on the website. If the User does not agree with the changes made, he is obliged to refuse access to the website, stop using the materials and services of the website.
6. The use of website materials without the consent of the copyright holders is not allowed. When quoting website materials, an active link to the website is required.
7. The User agrees that the Website Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or arising losses or damages associated with any website content, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available on or obtained through external websites or resources or other contacts of the user that he entered using the information posted on the website or links to external resources.
8. The user accepts the provision that all materials and services of the website or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The user agrees that the Website Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.
9. The website administration is not liable to third parties for the content of information used in information materials posted by the Advertiser, as well as for property, moral or any other damage caused as a result of the use of this information by third parties.
10. The minimum cost of posting informational materials is regulated by the Website Administration unilaterally and can be changed at any time.
11. The cost of posting informational material also directly depends on the cost set by the User of the website
12. The website administration reserves the right to reject any information material without explanation.
13. The website administration has the right to block the User's account if attempts are made to mask the User's real IP address (for example, using a network of proxy servers, the TOR service or analogues).
14. When using the service «», the user is prohibited from:
14.1. register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person («fake account»);
14.2. upload, store, publish, distribute and make available or otherwise use any information that:
- contains threats, discredits, insults, discredits honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or other persons;
- violates the rights of minors;
- is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors;
- contains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals;
- contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
- promotes and / or contributes to inciting racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority;
- contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;
- contains information of restricted access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private lives of third parties;
- is fraudulent;
- post tasks containing political advertising, propaganda, as well as voting and polls on a political topic;
- and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or legal requirements;
14.3. register as a User on your behalf more than once.
15. All questions or problems related to the use of the «» website are resolved in support groups or in feedback. The website administration reviews applications as they are received.
16. The Administration has the right to delete the Account of any User if activity on it (Login to the Account) has not been registered for more than 1 year, with the loss of all funds on the Account balance, referrals, advertising campaigns and other data.
3. Website Terms of Use for Employees:
1. A completed task is understood as the placement by the Employee of information material on his page, blog, other Internet resources for a permanent period (until the account is deleted from the system) or the performance of a certain action on the Internet according to specified criteria.
The employee carries out the placement of information material at his own peril and risk. The website administration does not bear any responsibility for the placement of material by the Service User.
2. Users are not allowed to participate in the system, whose pages, blogs, other Internet resources, on which it is planned to place the information materials of the Client, consist entirely of advertising materials, are blocked, filled automatically, do not have active visitors (followers) or a small number of them, and are also fake.
3. Withdrawal of funds is carried out instantly to the WMZ wallet of the Webmoney payment system. Other payment systems are not provided. We have a limitation: if the user has previously replenished the account, funds can be withdrawn no earlier than 21 days after the deposit.
4. The website administration has the right to refuse to withdraw money in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the user of the rules for using the website set out in the agreement.
4. Website Terms of Use for Clients:
1. The type and specifics of the Information Materials posted through the Website «» on the Internet resources of third parties, the moment of placement, as well as other conditions regarding the placement of Information Materials, are determined by the Client through the user interface of the website «».< br/>
2. The cost of the services provided cannot be less than the base cost published on the website «» at
3. Maintaining statistics on the placement of information materials and providing the Client with access to it is carried out by the Website Administration. The collected statistical information is posted on the secure Internet resource «».
4. The client gets access to the «» service and the statistical information placed on it by authorization on the website through the Login.WebMoney. service
5. The client undertakes:
5.1. Provide for placement on the Internet resources of third parties information materials that belong to him on the basis of ownership or other right determined by applicable law.
5.2. Within three days, at the request of the Website Administration, provide a written confirmation of the rights to the posted information materials.
5.3. If the Client posts information about goods or services for which there are rules and restrictions, then he is obliged to have all the necessary permits, licenses or certificates and provide copies of them within three days at the request of the Website Administration.
5.4. To independently get acquainted with the official information about the maintenance of the website «», published at
5.5. Independently ensure the availability on the Internet of their pages indicated in the ad links. The page of the Client's website, to which the Client's information materials refer, must open correctly in any of the Internet user's popular browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome), must not contain malicious programs, and must not open more than one pop-up window.< br/>
6. The website administration has the right to change the commission percentage unilaterally.
7. Information materials posted by the Client must not contain references or references to goods and services that are contrary to the law and laws on advertising.
6. Final Provisions
1. This offer constitutes an agreement between the User and the Website Administration regarding the procedure for using the website «» and its services.
2. The provisions of the offer are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law. Issues not regulated by these provisions are subject to resolution in accordance with the law.
3. In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the implementation of the rules for using the website, the User and the Website Administration will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between them. In the event that disputes are not resolved through negotiations, disputes are subject to resolution in the manner prescribed by applicable law.
4. This agreement comes into force for the User from the moment of its acceptance in accordance with clause 2 of part 2 of this agreement and is valid for an indefinite period.
5. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of this agreement are declared invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.
6. When user logs in or connects WMID to his account at\"\" via WebMoney.Login service user submits the following data to the site administration: WMID, BL, WebMoney passport type, sex, date of birth and city of residence.