The Telegram social network is gaining an audience every day: despite the blocking in different countries, tens of thousands of users around the world join the Telegram user community every day. The social network has more than 500 million users in 2021, and the popularity of expert and entertainment channels on Telegram is growing every day.
We at CashBox help users to increase the audience of the Telegram channel, which has a positive effect on the audience's trust in the business, on the popularity of your personal brand and (nothing to hide) significantly increases earnings on advertising.
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Now Telegram has 500 million users, works in nine languages around the world and is constantly improving with new features. And if Instagram has established itself as a social network based on visual content, then in Telegram experts, businesses and authors write their columns, attracting readers with their values, their unique style and their texts.
If you have not yet created a Telegram channel, you will definitely do it after our article. And if you already have, let's look at the benefits that you can get by working on your channel and attracting subscribers:
As soon as the audience of your channel goes beyond a couple of thousand subscribers, it will become attractive to advertisers. The price can reach tens and hundreds of dollars per post! And, of course, the more subscribers the channel has, the more expensive the cost of advertising.
Every author needs an appreciative reader. In order not to lose motivation to continue writing posts to your Telegram channel, telling your audience important news from your life or the life of your business, it is simply necessary to attract readers. Of course, the number of subscribers will grow if the content is interesting and you know exactly what to interest the audience, but such a "natural" promotion can take a long time.
The way you can tell about your business, no marketer will tell. Share values with clients, involve them in discussions, talk about interesting situations, problems and ways to solve them, share expert opinion - show that caring people are behind the business! The statistics don't lie: more and more people want to buy from real people, and not from companies.
Your accomplishments speak louder than any resume. Let among these achievements be the expert's Telegram channel, which is read by tens of thousands of users, which it will not be a shame to attach to a job vacancy and to which your colleagues will read. Share expert opinions, talk about your projects and meet colleagues to always be aware of the most interesting things happening in your field.
All subscribers are real people and your potential customers. There are no bots on Cashbox!
Personalize tasks for yourself or create each task in a couple of clicks
Use detailed reports to control every aspect of your progress
The promotion methods used do not lead to blocking
Safe boost of followers and likes is performed by natural methods and remains invisible to users and the system.
All payments are made via WebMoney.